Back In Business – After Coronavirus
The world has been greatly affected by the rapid spread of COVID-19 and for many businesses, this has closed them down for good. Many others are eagerly anticipating to open their doos up again or already have done so. There is a wealth of things that you can do as a way of protecting the workplace in the aftermath of coronavirus and most of these are extremely simple and easy to employ. In this article, we are going to be looking at ways in which you can protect the workplace during and after the COVID-19 pandemic.
7 Ways To Protect Your Workplace Moving Forward
One of the most important things you can do to protect both the workplace and the employees from the spread of COVID-19 is to keep surfaces clean and have a good plan in place. These useful tips will help you to keep your business flowing whilst maintaining the safety of everyone within.
1. Keep The Workplace Clean & Sanitized
One only needs to look at government advice handed out in every country to see that the number one way of preventing the spread of coronavirus is to keep clean. This is no different in the workplace, in fact, it may be even more essential, especially in workplaces with large numbers of staff.
It might seem obvious to clean areas such as toilets and areas where food is consumed but it is also important to remember to regularly deep clean less obvious areas such as door handles, walls, and desktops. By doing this, you are going to stand much more of a chance of stopping the spread when a person touches one of these frequently used areas. Employees should be instructed to keep their workspaces cleaned and sanitized daily as well as a deep clean of the whole office regularly moving forward.
2. Face Masks And Gloves Are Great When Used Correctly
We have all surely noticed a massive rise in the number of people wearing latex gloves and face masks, however, it has been stated by the CDC (center for disease control) that these items are not necessarily beneficial. Especially if proper precautions are not taken,
The face mask is useful for those who have symptoms of COVID-19 or those who are in close contact with the disease. For this reason if you are going to be around many people a facemask is beneficial but doesn’t mean you no longer need to stay vigilant, The same can be said for gloves. Many people are wearing the same pair for hours on end, which doesn’t make any more difference than using your bare hands. Be sure to not touch objects with your gloves that you may touch with your bare hands later in the day.
3. Make Hand Washing Routines A Thing
Since we are encouraging your business not to rely on gloves as if they will magically protect you, it would be madness to leave out the importance of handwashing. The single best defense against the virus is frequent hand washing. It is a good idea for workplaces to introduce strict hand washing routines. The process should be done after touching your face, coughing, sneezing, eating, using the bathroom and at regular intervals throughout the day for the best results.
4. Ensure That Staff Have Access To Tissues
One of the most notable pieces of advice being given out by the authorities is to ensure that any coughing or sneezing is done into a tissue, which is then immediately disposed of. It has never been more important for businesses to ensure that their employees have an ample supply of tissues in order that this advice can be easily followed.
5. Staff Showing Signs Of Sickness Should NOT Be In The Workplace
As the progression of this illness continues, we are all becoming more and more aware of the rules surrounding self-isolation, however, there are some who are still not abiding by these rules. It is therefore essential that businesses are encouraging their employees to stay home if they are showing even mild symptoms of coronavirus. This will ensure that the disease does not have chance to spread throughout the entire workplace.
This rule should also apply to anyone who has been in contact with another person showing symptoms, as the illness can lie dormant for a period of days before symptoms appear, and in some cases people can carry the disease but remain asymptomatic.
6. Reduce Face To Face Meetings
Where it can be avoided, face to face meetings should be kept to a minimum. With the advances in technology such as video calling and conferencing, it has never been more possible for businesses to operate on a remote level. In order to avoid unnecessary human contact, limiting meetings is one of the most effective things a business can do.
7. Keep Travel To A Minimum
For some businesses to thrive, travel is unavoidable, but in the current climate, this comes with serious cautions. If you can avoid sending staff to foreign countries or on excursions within the country, then you should. As we mentioned, in many cases businesses can interact with people further afield with the use of Zoom and other such technology.
However, where travel cannot be avoided you should encourage your employees to take extra precautions such as not traveling if they are showing any symptoms and by keeping up with the latest travel advice from the WHO and the CDC.